Lionheart Church Social Media Team Expectations

  • The social media team is comprised of monitoring the live streams, assisting with creating content, and publishing content to the social media platforms.
  • Please wear all black when serving.
  • Please keep media booth clean, pushing in all chairs, and cleaning up any trash.
  • Please help us enforce the rule that if you aren’t on the social media or media team then you are not allowed in the booth.
  • Please adhere to the schedule. When the schedule is released, you must make sure you are available for your assigned dates. The schedules are done two months at a time.
  • If you cannot serve, please inform us so we can find someone to replace you. Telling us the day of is not acceptable, we understand emergencies happen, but you must let us know in advance.
  • Report times for serving are Wednesday’s at 6:30pm and Saturday’s at 9:00am.
  • Meetings are conducted bi-weekly on Tuesday’s at 6:30 pm on Zoom. The link is sent out via GroupMe before the meeting starts.
  • If you miss a meeting it is your responsibility to follow up with the meeting facilitator. You are held accountable for all processes and procedures.
  • Our main source of communication is through the GroupMe platform.
  • It is imperative that you respond to messages. Communication is key.
  • With being a member of this team, it is expected for you to be faithful.
  • It is expected for you to be positive and to communicate effectively with members of the team and the team leader.
  • Please follow all SOP’s and policies for the team.  Failure to adhere to the expectations will result in a warning. If behavior is not changed it will result in removal from the team.
  • While the social media team is unique and members have the capability to serve remotely, that option is available for those who have prior justification or live outside the state of Georgia. If you have any additional questions or concerns please reach out to the team lead.